Download Instagram video in 5 seconds
Save trending & viral videos to share on your stories and feed. Just export clips from the app and repost!

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Save trending & viral videos to share on your stories and feed. Just export clips from the app and repost!
Processing the link to download. Stay on the page.
Save free Insta videos on mobile, desktop, tablet anonymously and learn how to reuse content to get followers.
This will help create posts on your profile and show the best to your followers.
You can earn $200 per ad post when you build an audience. Read more in the blog post.
Video testimonials and content from customers must be placed in a business account. Now you know how to get it in top quality.
The download will happen in a heartbeat. This viral video can increase your reach, get more likes and followers without content creation.
This video must be potentially interesting to your audience in order to get their attention for your profile from Explorer. In the articles, we will share tools for detecting top content.
If it`s a feed video, you`ll find a menu with three dots to the right of the visual. Find the option to copy the URL there.
In the desktop version of the social network, you can copy from the address bar.Just paste as if you are typing a query in a search engine.
Our downloader will find the mp4 file and load in several seconds right in this window. Just click on Download as it appears.
Now the video is at your disposal. In the blog, we share collections and business cases of how a downloaded video helps to gain millions of views and followers - stay tuned!
Since this instagram online video downloader is essentially a website, it can be opened from a phone, tablet or computer. This is convenient because you can edit the video right away on your usual gadget.
This means that even if you do not have a profile in this social network, you can still use our service. To download the video, you only need a link, but you registering or sign in to the IG application is not required.
You may think it`s faster to record video through the screen. But in this case, the resolution of the clip will be compressed to the resolution of your device. When you download video from Instagram through this content scraper, the quality of the clip is the same as the user uploaded it to the social network.
If every time you are racking your brains over the idea of a post, then just download instagram video - because the best viral content goes unnoticed. You can find hundreds and thousands of clips, download them and create a thematic account.
It`s legal to use downloaders to save videos. Moreover, it is also super convenient! In the application, all public profiles that you see share public content. If you scroll through the profiles, you will see that it’s a common practice in the community to export someone else`s videos and share them on your profile.
At the same time, the downloaded video should be flagged if you share it on your profile. Do not pass off copyrighted content as your own, it can bring you into disrepute.
Do one of the following:
If the user has protected the content in the privacy settings, then it will not be possible to download it. Unfortunately, in this case, only the user`s followers have access to the video, and no web service will be able to open it. Since the downloader is anonymous, it cannot scan your following. So even if you are subscribed to a user but his account is hidden, then the scraper will not have access – you do not enter your login data.
But this principle of operation guarantees complete security and anonymity when downloading videos from IG.